Thursday, January 30, 2014

Snow Day

Looks like keeping up with Maddex was the only thing that kept the blog going.  You would have thought I would have at least put Christmas on here!  Well, that's over and done with, so on to the first (and quite possibly the only) snow of the year!

Get ready for a lot of pictures.  Aiden's got a serious "I'm gonna nail you with this snowball" look on his face.  Glad I'm not his sister.

Brian made the kids a hand warming/glove drying station.  I think he just really wanted to build a fire.
Aside from snapping some pictures, I spent the better part of the day keeping warm inside with Maddex.  It's tough job, but somebody's gotta do it!
So this was about the extent of our snow day.  We did make cookies and snow cream (4c snow, 1c milk, 1/2c sugar, 1tsp vanilla), which tasted a lot like the ice dream they sell at Chic fil a.  Now I know what that secret ingredient is.

And in true southern ghetto fashion, we rummaged through the garage for sleddish type things.  How about that plastic table top?  Sure, why  not.

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