This morning Brian called from work to see how things were going. Now if you call me, 9 times out of 10 Aiden will be the one to answer. For some reason he wants to be the one to do it, talk for a few minutes then he's cool. If he doesn't answer he is usually having a meltdown in the background during my whole conversation. This is why I like having ring tones for people. There's only one ring tone (which is unknown callers) that I don't let him answer so it's worked out pretty well. Call it enabling or whatever, but I've chosen not to fight this battle. Anyway, back to Brian. Phone rings, so I gave the phone to Aiden. "Talk to Daddy" I said. So Aiden happily takes the phone and starts pacing around the room. I guess somewhere between me handing him the phone and him pacing I fell asleep. Upon waking up in that delusional state I saw Ella sitting in the floor stringing beads, remembered that Riley was sleeping, and Aiden...where's Aiden? "Aiden!" I yelled. I heard him in his room. OK. Every one's accounted for...my eyes began to slowly close again. Then I abruptly sat up. Oh, yeah...Brian! I had Aiden bring me the phone. "Brian? You still there?" "Yeah, I'm here." "Umm, hey...how long have you been on the phone with Aiden?" (you know trying to sound all innocent like) "Four minutes." *sigh of relief* Well I have to say it didn't really come as surprise when I told him what had happened. His response was, "Who can we call to come over and watch the kids so you can sleep?" Oh, what a sweet husband. Now don't everyone volunteer at once! I would never allow anyone to come watch my children so I could sleep. Just seems wrong. But if anyone else wants to come forward and admit that they too sleep on the job please, say "I".
I try to. Ethan and Abby don't sleep at the same time :( But when Abby's asleep I try to get Ethan comfy in front of the TV and doze for half an hour. As soon as he looks over and sees that my eyes are closed, he wants to sit in Mommy's lap. And I probably don't have to tell you that he doesn't sit still. So my plan is now out the window :(
ReplyDeleteI say "I." You are not alone! I was nodding off like a grandma, at my house on the couch, with my head falling forward and everything, when I caught myself doing it, I looked around embarrased and my daughter's 4 yro. friend was smiling at me! It does feel longer than minutes when that happens. And it happens more than once, don't feel bad. That is why I am going to bed early tonight! LOL!
ReplyDeleteP.S. It's me, your cousin! Ha, Ha! I didn't know if you knew my married name! And that was a sweet thought from your Brian! I have a Brian too!
ReplyDeleteI am a Grammama. I'll come watch the kids! Just wait until you get in your golden years....you really nod off the minute you sit still long enough! Someone should just invent a great big playpen to put all the kids in while you sleep....Oh yeah, they already have, THE ZOO! Try that Bert, that should do the trick!