After getting home from Christmas weekend, Brian discovered that a neighborhood dog had gotten in our bunny cage (chewed his way in actually) and killed all four of our beloved bunnies. In the six months that we had them we never had a problem dogs in our yard and haven't seen one since. It was just a random thing. Obviously, the kids were VERY upset when we told them. About a week later, we got Moe. He was in need of a home and the kids were in need of a new bunny. He's inside for now. Come spring time we'll mend the bunny cage outside and get Moe some friends. Until then, the kids are thoroughly enjoying having him inside.
Straightened Riley's hair for church. She liked flitting it around. She's not the same kid without her curls!
Ella had Immigrant Day at school. We had fun with it. She was given the name Aisling Daly. She was and Irish seamstress from the 1800's. The 2nd graders were to immigrate to Ellis Island.